Membership of the NT Grants Commission

The Local Government Grants Commission Act 1986 provides for a Commission of four members, consisting of:

  • a Chairperson appointed by the Minister
  • the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Agency primarily responsible to the Minister for the administration of the Act, or his delegate; and
  • two members appointed by the Minister, one representing the interests of municipal councils and the other representing the interests of regional councils.

Read more about the Commission at work.

The current members of the Commission are:

  • Chairperson - Russell Anderson
  • CEO's delegate - Meeta Ramkumar
  • Representing Municipal Councils – Elisabeth Clark
  • Representing Regional Councils - Brian Pedwell
  • Deputy Representing Municipal Council – Matthew Paterson
  • Deputy Representing Regional Council - Vacant

Administration and staffing

The Executive Officer, Ms Celia Hill, of the Department Chief Minister and Cabinet coordinates the visitation programs and assist with the Commission's activities by providing executive support to the Commission.


Postal address:

GPO Box 4396
Executive Officer
Phone: 08 8999 8820

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