Contracts and Grants

Department of Housing, Local Government and Community Development (DHLGCD) provides support services across housing, homelessness, homelands, town camps and remote communities, local government, interpreting and translation services.

For this reason it is vital that all suppliers are chosen fairly using a transparent, consistent, and equitable process. Successful tendering or quoting for Government business or applying for grants can be an important part of your business model and support for your business. If you have an idea that you would like to pitch to government, these are processes to channel them through.

Is your business ready

Are you?

  • appropriately registered
  • compliant with relevant industry legislation
  • practising organisational governance through a capable Board and/or monitoring and oversight systems
  • financially viable
  • managing risk (insurance)
  • caring for your people (appropriate human resource management and industrial relations compliance)
  • organisationally skilled and capable to deliver programs.

Tailored support for community organisations and business

If you are a Northern Territory (NT) business, Aboriginal enterprise or not-for-profit, you can get help from a small business champion. A small business champion can help you identify the types of support your business can access.

You can also get support with networking, contacts, information, tools and resources. Contact your regional small business champion to discuss your business needs by emailing NT Government Small Business Champion (SBC) provide support with the following:

  • Employment relations – to help you understand the importance of your workforce, productivity, staff development, engagement, retention and training requirements. Tailored support can be accessed to help you develop sound employment practices and frameworks to enhance responsible and sustainable employment outcomes; help you identify and address legislative or regulatory obligations and also help you create a workforce plan.
  • Budget and financial management – assistance to help build a greater understanding of your financial position, or help you model and plan your finances for future goals. Support in this area can help you interpret your data to make key strategic decisions, develop strategies to improve your financial performance and profitability, identify and implement financial management systems.
  • Operations – support is available to help you achieve operational efficiencies and effectiveness on a daily basis. Assistance is available to help you review your practices, policies, processes and documents in relation to risk, work health and safety, quality and environmental management. Through identifying and addressing gaps, additional support can be provided to help you implement these systems into your business.
  • Board management and governance – assistance is available to help not-for-profit organisations improve their corporate governance, financial and commercial literacy, and management practices to ensure they operate in a sustainable and accountable fashion. This support can include developing best practice guides (including roles and responsibilities), a financial snapshot of the organisation and support with financial management and reporting processes to ensure ongoing viability, transparency and accountability.
  • Tender Ready – help is available for you to be ‘tender ready’, to provide you with a solid understanding of the requirements and importance of tenders, as well as developing sound practices and frameworks to enhance processes and sustainable outcomes.

Business and workforce support

A range of support, training and resources are available to assist with setting up your business including:

  • Aboriginal Business Enterprise Ambassadors specialising in a range of industries
  • Funded accredited and non-accredited training in a range of areas, including initiatives that lead to employment and help train and skill the workforce
  • Funded consultant referrals to help build the capability and capacity in key areas of your business.


For more information about support available visit:

The Northern Territory Government Start.Run.Grow. program

Indigenous Business Australia

Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network

GrantsNT Administration

Quotations and Tenders Online

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