Living Strong Program
The Living Strong program is a tenancy support program for Aboriginal housing in:
- remote communities
- select town camps
- community living areas.
It provides early engagement and support for tenants to:
- build life skills and
- maintain their household.
The program is delivered in partnership with:
- contracted service providers
- the department’s family support initiatives
- Remote Housing Maintenance Services with the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logisitics.
Remote tenancy support
Contractors will be funded to deliver the living strong program as part of their remote tenancy support services contracts. Read more about remote tenancy support services.
What it does
Looking after your house and yard is an important part of looking after your family’s health.
The program focusses on helping people develop:
- their understanding of the rights and responsibilities of a tenant
- practical living skills
- better coordinated property maintenance.
Documents for contractors and staff
Choose from the below documents.
Rights and responsibilities of a tenant
Tenancy agreements
- NTG - Tenancy agreements for public housing policy PDF (600.8 KB)
- Northern Territory Government (NTG) website - Guide to public housing tenancy agreement - in language
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 10 - Tenant responsibility.
Managing pets
- NTG - Pet policy PDF (183.8 KB)
- NTG - Keeping animals fact sheet PDF (431.7 KB)
- AMRRIC website - Keeping dogs healthy
- NTG - Intention to keep a pet SF17 form PDF (77.9 KB).
Managing visitors
- NTG - Visitor management policy PDF (729.7 KB)
- NTG - Change to visitor management poster PDF (1.3 MB)
- Yilli Housing website - Visiting family poster
- NTG website - Visitors in public housing
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 01 – good neighbour
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 08 – managing visitors.
Managing money
- NTG - Rental Rebate policy PDF (267.8 KB)
- NTG website - Application for rental rebate and continued eligibility
- NTG - Rent policy PDF (306.2 KB)
- NTG - Debt management fact sheet PDF (423.4 KB)
- NTG - Paying rent for your house fact sheet PDF (58.9 KB)
- NTG - Paying your rent and bond poster PDF (559.7 KB)
- NTG - Rent and other deductions form PDF (583.4 KB)
- NTG - Direct debit request form PDF (91.9 KB)
- Yilli Housing website - Budgeting tips
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 3 money talk
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 4 rent money
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 7 save electricity
Looking after your home
- Looking after your home guide PDF (3.7 MB)
- NTG - Preparing for your next inspection fact sheet PDF (533.8 KB)
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 2 house inspections
- RHD Australia website - Rheumatic Heart Disease Australia - looking after your house flipchart
- NTG - Living in a house poster/diagram PDF (1.1 MB)
- Yilli Housing website - Save water
- Yilli Housing website - Save power
- NTG - Be Water Smart PDF (358.2 KB)
- Yilli Housing YouTube - The Prouds: Episode 5 - water leaks.
Preventative repairs and maintenance
- NTG - Tenant damage policy PDF (728.7 KB)
- NTG - Repairs and maintenance poster PDF (687.0 KB)
- Yilli Housing website - How much does it cost to maintain a house?.
Other resources
- Yilli Housing website - Posters and video resources
- YouTube - NT Government visitor management - commercial
- YouTube - Housing Authority WA - Deadly tenants, Deadly homes
- Australian Government's Moneysmart website - Moola talk
- NTG - healthy homes and the 9 healthy living principles
- NTG - housing policies, forms and fact sheets.
For information about Living Strong program email
Remote public housing contacts
Big Rivers
08 8973 8513
08 8962 4537
08 8987 0479
08 8995 5122
Central Australia
08 8951 5674
Remote housing maintenance hotline
1800 104 076
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